National BGC Week 2024

June 17, 2024

National Boys & Girls Club Week

June 24-28, 2024

Celebrated since 1941, National Boys & Girls Club Week recognizes the invaluable service Clubs bring to communities, paving the road for great futures that are within reach of every young person who enters our doors. Join in on the fun by celebrating National Boys & Girls Club Week by observing and participating in daily themed activities. Like, share, and post on your social media pages during #BGCWeek, join the Movement and show how together we do whatever it takes to build great futures for America’s youth.

Activities for the Week

This year’s theme is centered around celebrating how young people level up with Boys & Girls Clubs every day through our activities, programs, and dedicated staff. Nationally, as one of the leading youth development organizations with over 160 years of experience, we are excited to showcase the ways in which we help young people grow and succeed. Just as in video games, the journey to success is not always easy, but with the right support, guidance, and determination, every young person can level up and reach their full potential. 

Level 1: Game Loading…. Monday June 24

Join us for an exciting start to National BGC Week! Experience engaging activities at our Clubs, learn about our mission, and discover our programs. Let’s unite The Movement nationwide with special events.

Level 2: The Legends of BGC. Tuesday, June 25

Join the legends of Boys & Girls Clubs. Share your story and show your pride by wearing blue or sporting a BGCA pin. Let’s shine a light on how BGC has transformed lives through inspiring videos and photos.

Level 3: Next Level. Wednesday, June 26

Unlock your potential with BGC. Join us for Workforce Readiness Day and explore exciting career paths in STEM and the arts. Let’s dive into a world of innovation and creativity together!

Level 4: Power Boost. Thursday, June 27

Join us in celebrating the programs at Boys & Girls Clubs that promote mental health awareness and wellness, because every child’s well-being matters. Together, we’re building a brighter future.

Level 5: And the Winner is…. Friday, June 28

Come join us for a Teens Takeover event on social media, where young leaders will narrate their experiences in our Youth Development Programs. Let’s celebrate these teens and showcase the positive impact the Clubs have made in their lives.



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