Recap- JUNE Summer Programming 2024

July 15, 2024


June Summer Programming Recap 2024

GREAT SUMMERS START HERE! June was the kick-off to our 2024 Summer Programming. Our Club members were busy daily with activities, arts & crafts, field trips, special guests, healthy lifestyle activities, good character & citizenship games, and academic success workshops. We want to thank everyone who helped make our first summer month a success. Check out our picture galleries down below to see a glimpse inside our Club stories.

We have had a fantastic time kicking off our summer program! We sincerely want to say THANK YOU to all of the companies, businesses, volunteers, and organizations that have joined us here at the Club to share programs with our youth. We also want to thank everyone we have worked with during our field trips to your place of business. Our Club members have truly enjoyed all of the opportunities we have had so far this summer. Be sure to check back and see all of the adventures our Club members will have accomplished in July.

Summer Begins

In this picture gallery you will find: all of our 1st week activities of the summer!

Artists in the Making

In this picture gallery you will find: our Club members creative minds at work! Check out all of their amazing art skills from coloring contests to creating art work pieces for our Don Hansen Art Show.

Special Guests

In this picture gallery you will find: our Club members dance skills put to the test with their Dance 101 class with Mr. Jamarui. The Danheiser Fund For Kids group presented the KidsSmartz program with our younger Club members and Healthy Habits with our Teens. (P.S. every youth who participates in the program will receive a free pair of back to school shoes!)

Field Trip Adventures

In this picture gallery you will find: some of the adventures our Club members have traveled to within our summer program. They have traveled to Pizza by the Guy where they created their own mini pizzas, the Spray Park, and Cecil Farms! During our Cecil Farms trip they had the chance to check on their vegetables. We started the seeds in our very own greenhouse and transplanted them out at Cecil Farms. A group of our Club members were able to take advantage of some of our beautiful summer weather at Panther Creek Park and try their luck at fishing.

Additional June Stories

Check out our additional June stories that have their own blog posts on the links below!

National Boys & Girls Club Week 2024

AG Day 2024



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